"Spotlight on Greatness" is a monthly profile of innovative local, regional and state collaborative efforts in the
nonprofit sector.
Each month nonprofits submit a profile of their organization or a specific program demonstrating innovation and greatness
in the area of collaboration. The profile is an opportunity to highlight unique skills to the community and to current or
potential funders.
One profile will be chosen each month from those submitted. Each profile should include the following information:
- Organization Name
- Organization Description
- Program Name (if applicable)
- Program Description (if applicable)
- Reasons the organization formed [challenges, needs, crisis, proactive collaboration]
- How the organization has fulfilled or resolved those [challenges, needs, crisis, proactive collaboration]
- Specific results that organization has achieved since it began
- Specific things that the organization has discovered in the process of collaboration
- Specific tools that the organization either delivers or is aware of for other organizations (software, websites, training
- Contact Information
The profile must be submitted in a brief narrative form that someone could glance through in about 5 minutes.
"Spotlight on Greatness" is modeled after the Leader to Leader Institute's Nonprofit Innovation of the Week. We recommend visiting their site to look at the archive of innovative programs and organizations prior to submitting your profile.
If you are interested in submitting your organization's profile please send it via email
to nonprofitcoalition@myway.com today.
Please consider placing a link to http://flnpc.tripod.com on your organization's website and let us
know once the link is up. We'd be glad to place a link on our shared links page if you would like.
Please consider inviting us to share the "Spotlight on Greatness" via listerservs where the content is appropriate.
Contact nonprofitcoalition@myway.com would like to recommend a listserv for us to send "Spotlight on Greatness" to 3150 SW 52 Ave Suite 212, Pembroke Park
Fl. 33023